Hectagon solution for retail investors

Hectagon offers a no entry barrier, peace of mind investment solution to capture Crypto Growth

So where does Hectagon fit into all this? So far we established that:

  1. There are barriers upon barriers stacked against the individual investor in getting into the best investment opportunities and keeping to a consistent investment strategy.

  2. Seed investment is where investors are guaranteed to always make a better return than public.

  3. Crypto has given the best returns in the last decade, while the cycle of development of Web3 are still at the early stage, majority of future growth is still to come.

To solve these problems, Hectagon needs to be a platform that:

  1. Give direct and indirect access to investors in seed investment opportunities.

  2. Easy to start, easy to use.

  3. Flexible to exit as needed.

  4. It can be scaled to fit both passive and active investors.

For retail investors

Hectagon is an investment vehicle co-owned by the Hectagon team, our investors, and the community. And everything is tied together by the protocol's native token, HECTA.

Hectagon allows users to participate in voting to dictate how the protocol will run in the future.

Hectagon is led by a team of experienced entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who have consistently proven their capability of finding and getting into good seed investment opportunities in both Web2 and Web3.

Who is building Hectagon

HECTA tokenomic is designed so that 85% of all token supply is allocated to the community. This allowed Hectagon to work toward a decentralized governance structure and allowed as many people to participate in the protocol as possible.

  • We propose that 20% of all HECTA token will be available for public sale, and the revenue will be used to buy the seed and private rounds of other Web3 projects.

  • 65% of all HECTA tokens will be distributed to Hectagon’s community based on their contributions. To make sure the circulating supply of HECTA tokens is managed responsibly, the distribution of these tokens is done through series of campaigns that can be proposed by the Hectagon team or community members and approved by Hectagon’s DAO. These campaigns will generally reward community members for the following actions:

    • Staking tokens, staking signifies that the holder is planning to keep their tokens for long term and helps keep the token price stable through limiting the selling pressure.

    • Referring good investments opportunities to the Hectagon’s Investment Portal.

    • Actively screening for good deals on Hectagon’s Investment Portal and making investment recommendations for the Treasury.

    • Actively promote, provide service, advice, or mentorship to the projects that Hectagon’s Treasury invests in to help them grow.

    • Promote Hectagon protocol

With this tokenomic design, Hectagon aligned the interests of everyone, from the retail investors who just want to put their disposable income to work and grow over time, to the contributors who want to actively participate in the process of growing businesses. HECTA token allowed for everyone's contribution to be recognized, credited, and rewarded accordingly.

So the coming together of the whole community to invest, support, and grow Web3 businesses is all well and good, but how can a community member exit from Hectagon when needed. Easy, there are 2 options that any community member can take at any point.

  • Option 1: Sell their HECTA tokens, as outlined above, HECTA tokens are created when community members take an action that positively influences the growth of Hectagon’s treasury, the treasury serves as a rising floor, pushing up HECTA. So selling HECTA is the quickest and easiest way to exit to stable coin.

  • Option 2: Break-off Hectagon’s treasury. gHecta tokens allow the users to track how much of each asset in the Hectagon’s treasury that they are entitled to claim. So when a user wants to hold the underlying assets rather than hold gHECTA, that user can exchange their gHECTA with the treasury to mint a Treasury’s NFT that will allow them to withdraw their portion of all the underlying assets. The user can freely trade this NFT on any NFT market place, or they can withdraw the underlying assets to sell.

In conclusion, any retail investor can participate in Hectagon by buying the HECTA token to start participating passively in the seed and private investments of Web3 projects. More active investors can make further contributions with their knowledge and efforts to grow these investments and receive rewards for it.

The following section goes more in-depth into the HECTA token, which also creates an advantage for Hectagon in competing for good deals and adds value to the project we are investing in.

Last updated