How gHecta works?
Ticker: gHECTA
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
1. What is gHECTA?
gHECTA is the governance token of Hectagon. gHECTA enable its owner to:
Vote on Snapshot
Burn gHECTA (along some additional HECTA as fee) to acquire project tokens
Receive staking reward
Unstake to receive HECTA
2. How gHECTA enable user receiving staking rewards?
To calculate the number of HECTA that gHECTA owner can use this formula:
Number of HECTA = Index * Number of gHECTA
Index is a number which increases after every epoch. The difference between Index of 2 consequence epoch represents the staking rewards for gHECTA owners.
3. How to acquire gHECTA?
There are 2 ways for user to acquire gHECTA:
Buying HECTA with discount and vesting terms from Hectagon website or smart contract.
Staking HECTA in Hectagon website or smart contract to receive gHECTA.
Last updated