HECTA tokenomics
The Hecta token is the ‘proof of value contribution’ in building and growing Hectagon protocol.
Last updated
The Hecta token is the ‘proof of value contribution’ in building and growing Hectagon protocol.
Last updated
HECTA token don't have any private sale, 100% of the tokens will be minted by the protocol to reward contribution of community, team and investors.
At minimum, 85% of HECTA token is automatically minted by the protocol whenever users:
Buy Hecta
Contribute value-added activities to grow Hectagon and its portfolio.
Stake HECTA to keep the protocol stable.
At maximum, 15% of HECTA token is automatically minted by the protocol to reward contribution of team and the investors building Hectagon.
At the beginning, the plan for HECTA total supply is in the following tables:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
DAO voting
DAO voting
* The actual number might change subjected to DAO voting.
This constraint is reflected in Hectagon source code by a maxMint variable which can be changed through DAO voting.